Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Good day my friends, how have you been?, I am sorry i have not been able to post in a while, but i am sure you would forgive me for that. I had other commitments that took all my time, coupled with a lot of other issues beyond my control. well, I hope what I have for you now makes up for my absence.

Today, I am going to be talking about our mind, the thought that goes through them, and how they go a long way in shaping our lives. This topic is very important due to the fact that many of us do not know how much power we have within us, as the phrase goes, “I think I am, so I am”, or “first within, then without’, we have to be able to commune positively with our mind to get whatever it is that we want.

Millions of thought goes through our mind daily due to what we observe, feel and see, but we only take important ones that are of interest to us. Our interest dictates what we imprint on our mind and think over.

We know that naturally, before talking, our mind brudes over the subject, then produces an idea which we make known to others by speaking, which in turn shapes how we are viewed by the general public.

I have come to discover that we have to be able to bring our thoughts under our control, as we cannot control our lives if we cannot perform this little exercise.

A lot of factors like fear, environment, people, situations distorts our thought pattern, but the truth is we can bring all under our control if we can just work on controlling our thoughts to do what we WILL naturally, and then believe and work towards them in one mind with dedication.

I have talked about how the environment affects us and vice versa, but we cannot build a healthy and enabling environment if we cannot control our thought pattern and the mind as a whole.

We have the ability to reshape our world, our life and our environment, just by thinking positively as related to any aspect of our life, concentrating deeply on how to bring our thought into reality and putting in the needed zeal and dedication to do what we have pictured and analyzed.

It takes the same energy to  think positive as it takes to think negative, they also release the same kind of force, only in opposite directions, with the first giving you the zeal to find ways of overcome the challenge that might stand in your way, and the other, magnifying the challenges and showing to you reasons why you cannot achieve your aim. The way you think affects the way you see yourself, and what occupies your mind, which will in turn chart a course for your life.

I advice that we take conscious effort to expel negative thoughts from our mind , concentrate a great deal on the positive, consider the benefit accrued to the positive and see yourself already possessing them. Also, highlight step by step plans to accomplish the task as regards your interest.

Get a note, list out steps to achieving your aim in them, on a daily basis think, concentrate and map out ways to bring your concept to reality. You would immediately find out that your mind begins to attract and pick up ideas that would make it possible. Continue on a daily basis to develop and seek methods of accomplishing your aim.

After you have completely made enough enquires from your mind and listened to people who have more experience in that field, made enough research, you would have gotten enough to kick-start you at least 50%.

After all that, you now have to condition your mind, and concentrate on the possibilities and how it is going to come into existence by pushing fully to achieve it.

Even the Bible says, “as a man thinks in his heart, so is he”. As long as you are determined to succeed, nothing is impossible. All you need is the strength to discipline that part of yourself which by willingness, consciousness and dedication, all is possible.

Fakeye, Olaniyi Olatunde
Neff Business Concept