Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Giving as we know is one of the major obligation we have as human beings. No matter the religion we are involved in, the art of giving is one preached by our leaders, prophets, and spiritual fathers in these religions and also preached as an art which serves as a criteria for God to bless one.

I had the opportunity of visiting a motherless a motherless babies home recently, and i found out that feeding which is a basic need for man's existence is even not fully catered for, talkless of healthcare services, good clothes and other benefits. i got moved emotionally and this made me think of ways i could be of help to this parenless kids

In as much as many of us have not attained positions we intend getting to,many of us have 3 square meals, wear good clothes, and have access to good health care service. A simple act of reaching out to this people with our rescources no matter out little makes a lot of change.

Trust me, you would not believe what your little gesture would do to these people, how much smiles you would bring to the faces of these people and also to you.

The art of giving must be imbibed by everybody and i strongly advice that it should be imbibed by everyone.

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