Also, an article written by a woman in united state of America was read to me about how ignorant black people are and this is due to the fact that we do not read. She highlighted in her article the reasons for this, which are, lack of interest in reading, being influenced by vane and irrelevant things, wasteful spending on liabilities which would cost us money to maintain and overtime, depreciate and become obsolete.
Hearing those words made me think, sincerely, how many people have picked up a self learning book or material after graduation from school, or have in anyway tried to improve themselves?, for the ones that do once in a while, do they eventually finish the book?, and for the ones that finish the book, how often do they buy or get new ones?.
This topic concerns everyone because I myself sometimes fail to read on a daily basis, though I make it often, hearing this words has in a way ignited a fire in me to always try to improve myself regularly no matter how busy my day is. Most especially the insult from the white woman pushed me to make a stand.
“I don’t think much of any man who is not wise today than he was yesterday.” –By Abraham Lincoln
“Anyone who stops learning is old, either at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The great thing in life is to keep your mind young.” –By Henry Ford
The only way to be wiser or to keep your mind young as highlighted in both statement made by great men is by devouring information (positive ones), for continuing and daily improvement. Whatever you learn opens your mind and helps you to see, think and address issues better. They help in attaining success with very little bumps on the way.
No matter how much this topic is flogged, it would never be enough. Reading and I mean on a daily basis is a process we must engage in so as to strengthen our mind. Just as athlete’s gym to strengthen his muscles, we should learn to strengthen our minds so we can perform excellently in the race of life.
Fakeye, Olaniyi Olatunde
Neff Business Concept
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