Saturday, September 24, 2011


“Tell yourself that you are a genius, and right away, you would probably wonder why and in what way you are a genius. Also, you would have opened your mind to wonder and to asking questions. That’s a big step towards thinking like a genius which would help you unlock so many talents” – Donald Trump.

“Anyone who has never made a mistake, has never tried anything new” – Albert Einstein.

Lying on my bed one evening thinking, the topic of this essay rang continuously in my head. I had read and have being applying materials teaching how to work on one’s mind to get desired result, even though it is an ongoing process, I had began to see the significance and understand the meaning of the statements made by these greats highlighted above.

I took out time to study Donald Trump, the way he rose to fame and fortune, fell and then came back on board, whatever the reason for his fall was, which might have been wrong decisions made, he eventually learnt from them, started all over again with cautious and corrective steps which eventually restored him back to his position.

During his trying period, his mindset never changed, they never saw themselves as failures or lesser people needing sympathy or pity from people. All they did was find out the mistakes they made and started work immediately on rebuilding their broken walls, making it more aesthetic and stronger than before.

Your mindset about yourself goes a long way to say who you are and what you would turn out to be. It is a very strong leverage to acquire all we want in this world. Wealth, power, fame and even their opposite comes from the mind. I laugh every time I say this to someone because of the meaning it carries.

Every day, ignorance makes a lot of people call themselves all sort of names like “less privileged, poor, needy, beggar”, it makes me wonder how low of themselves they think. It is bad sometimes to the point where many of them have no form of physical deformity, but it’s a pity they have the major deformity which is that of the mind and thought pattern.

Out of personal experience, I discovered that REPITITION goes a long way in gaining mastery. I have come to believe and discover that saying positive things to myself repetitively has helped me with putting my thought pattern right and having a positive mentality.

On a daily basis, I advice that we confess to ourselves what we desire, need and expect, putting our mindsets in position to believe this words. One thing I know it would do is raise questions in our hearts as to how to become what we envisage and confess and meditation and careful thinking over a period would bring solutions than we ever imagined, Note, the mind is richer and broader than we can ever think of.

A part of the Bible which I paraphrase says the power to build and destroy lies in the tongue also that the mouth speaks from the abundance of the heart. Sincerely, having a positive mindset regularly goes a long way in not only changing one’s life but helps to get desired results.

I watched a video clip about Billionaires listed on Forbes and one of them (Mark Cuban) made a statement, he said and I quote “ I am the luckiest guy in the world and when I die, I want to come back as me”. That is a powerful statement that a lot would never be bold to say and he only said due to the state of his mind.

Note, the difference between the wealthy and poor is a function of their mind, thought pattern and declaration. The sooner you make the right decision, the better for you

Fakeye, Olaniyi, Olatunde
Neff Business Concept

1 comment:

jaycrown said...

Our mind is the scene of the crime.our tongue is the jury!!