Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Over the years, I have asked questions from people older than I am about what one needs to put in place to be successful in life apart from beliefs from diverse religious teachings and general observations, but the only answer gotten from people asked is that good character coupled with undeniable skills is a sure ladder to success. They all made it a point of duty to highlight them in their level of importance which means good character first, then enviable skills.

They all pointed out the fact that CHARACTER should be the major quality to be sourced for in any equation before any other follows. This is because in the absence of this, we only have a “sophisticated crook” as one of my mentors would call it

CHARACTER is defined by Oxford advanced learners Dictionary (7th Edition) as “all the qualities and features that make a person, groups of people and place different from others”. When we then say GOOD CHARACTER, we could define it as “the ACCEPTABLE QUALITY AND FEATURES that makes a person in the context of our discussion wanted by the general populace.

This feature includes HUMILITY, SINCERITY AND TRUST, DISCIPLINE AND MANNERS. When a man possesses these qualities, the other can be learnt or acquired through thorough study and long effective practice.

This is also defined from the same source above as “the ability to do well, a particular ability or type of ability”. Whichever definition we intend picking, it all interprets the same thing, which is equipping yourself so as to be able to perform excellently in your given task.

When skill is being developed to point where it becomes enviable, one becomes a wonder and model at what he does, naturally people would be interested in your service because the quality of service you render is spectacular and that touch can only be gotten from you.

Skill is first of all acquired then polished through constant practice which then makes it enviable and marketable.

It should be noted that all skills in the world would not mean much if character is questionable. By this I mean the qualities that make one accepted are missing. Nobody would be interested in doing business with someone who cannot be trusted, it is known that success is only gotten when true service is rendered and acknowledged accordingly.

I would strongly advice that wherever we find ourselves, or in whatever we do, we should try as much as possible to showcase these qualities we have taken time to discuss briefly because they would finally provide the stepping stone towards success.

Fakeye, Olaniyi Olatunde
Neff Business Concept

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