Monday, April 29, 2013


We live in a world where mentorship and role models have become the order of the day, we now see people wanting to pattern their lives after someone else, behave and respond to issues just like he or she does. In as much as this goes a long way in helping us build the type of life we envisage, we should not forget that we are who we are , and we must stamp our identity also into whatever we do.

Many of us who choose mentors should understand that this people are not presently experiencing the things we experience, their family background, circular environment and opportunities available to them are not the same with what we have or are presently going through.

We should be able to discern and know when their rules apply to us and when it doesn’t, we should not also limit our scope to just one person, rather examine a handful of people doing what and living the life we admire, examine what they went through and pick whatever it is that would make u become a better person.

We should not forget that we have different styles, qualities, thought pattern, character and other attributes which might not be the same with the life of the person you look up to. You might not be as adventurous as he or she is, or might be an introvert while the person is not. All this and much more define us, and the ability to blend our personality into whatever we do is what makes us unique.

For someone who wants to become an entrepreneur, and doesn’t have people to finance his vision or dream, either friends, associate or family, even if he has the burning desire to become one, should know that he has to tackle his first challenge, which is getting finance through other means, either in a paid employment, while he makes more research on his interest, so as to be sure investing his hard earned sweat would not be a waste. If he deceives himself into not doing any other thing before achieving his goals, he might be wasting his time, because he might not be as privileged or opportuned as his mentor was when starting out.

In as much as much as I am all into role models and building your life by following their rules, I also know this cannot be possible if you do not plan your strategies and imprint your style on everything you do. Donald Trump, Richard Branson and all others have certain qualities in common, but you would always see it in their brand that their person is always imprinted in whatever they do.

Think till your brain sweets, and work smart, putting together your style, person and reasoning from your thought coupled with all you learnt from your mentors and apply it to work. Only through this method would you become a mentor to yourself and somebody else in future.

Fakeye, Olaniyi Olatunde
Neff business concept

1 comment:

jaycrown said...

You hit the nail on the head. Mentors are blessings but we always have to bear in mind that we exist in varying regimes and era.
We must be wise and realistic while choosing what we become through our mentors. We must never let go of our own unique flavor.
We all have a melody to bring to life. Same music (success), different melodies (paths).